«We put on a while, high energy show. It’s like a combination of the raw power of The Stooges and the fun party of Van Halen with David Lee Roth.» – Frank Meyer.

Interview by Rockberto.


THE BAND IS NOW ON TOUR IN SPAIN. DATES IN JANUARY: 11: Valencia, 12: Barcelona, 13: Lérida, 14: Logroño, 16: Orense, 17: Vigo  18: Zamora, 19: Puertollano y 20: Torrevieja.


First of all, congratulations on Trading Aces’ debut album, «Rock ‘n’ Roll Homicide.» I really enjoyed it, and I think it’s a great rock album. How has the reception been among fans and the specialized press?

People seem to really be enjoying the album. The live shows have gone great and the press has been strong. I think we’re getting a mix of new fans plus fans of our other bands Streetwalkin’ Cheetahs, Warrior Soul, The City Kids, and Wolf. Plus there seem to be a lot of fans of James Williamson and Eddie Spaghetti, who find their way to me because of my collaborations with them.

The sound of the album is very good, but infused with that grit that I think your music needs. Where and with whom did you work on the production?

We produced it ourselves. Everyone has a home studio so we all recorded our tracks and then everyone sent it to me and I would put together mixes and get notes from the guys. So we made this album ourselves top to bottom.

Analyzing the songs on the album, the overall level is very high, but for now, I would highlight «Ain’t it a Bitch,» «Dirty Love,» «Social Disease,» and «Hello Hangover.» Do you have a particular preference for any specific song?

Lyrically the album is a mix of some real life stuff and some fun, cartoony, tales of destruction and adventure. For instance, “Ain’t it a Bitch” is a wild night of drunk driving, violence, getting chased by police and thrown in jail. That one is actually true although it sounds like I made it up! «Hello Hangover” is about drinking too much and the terrible feeling the next day. «Social Disease”  is about a girl I dated and I imagined what if all of her boyfriends got together together and launched a class action lawsuit and sued her for heartbreak. “Dirty Love” is actually a Frank Zappa cover and is about exactly what you think it is…sex!

The band consists of four people who, I believe, live in different countries. I know that with technology, making music remotely is possible, but it must be challenging when it comes to rehearsing and planning band activities. How do you overcome those obstacles?

Correct. I live in Los Angeles, our drummer is from Spain, and our guitarist and bassist are from Copenhagen. However, we’ve had some additional musicians step in for touring who are from Sweden and Scotland. So we are truly an international outfit.  But we all like the same type of music and we all contribute to writing and production, and each one of us has a home studio so it’s actually very easy for us to communicate musically and otherwise.

What is your process for composing? Do you all bring ideas, or is there someone who contributes the initial ideas, and then everyone collaborates?

For the most part, guitaristDennis Post or myself, comes up with the initial musical idea. Then I write the lyrics and vocal melodies. Next the band contributes their individual parts, and finally we all contribute to the mixing and overall sound and vision of the band.

For people who still don’t know what to expect at a Trading Aces concert, what will they find at one of your shows?

We put on a while, high energy show. It’s like a combination of the raw power of The Stooges and the fun party of Van Halen with David Lee Roth. There is lots of audience participation, and it’s generally a fun night of debauchery.

On January 11th, you start a Spanish tour with a total of 9 concerts that, if I’m not mistaken, begin in Valencia. Can you detail the dates in case someone might be able to attend?

   – 11: Valencia
   – 12: Barcelona
   – 13: Lleida
   – 14: Logroño
   – 16: Ourense
   – 17: Vigo
   – 18: Zamora
   – 19: Puertollano
   – 20: Torrevieja

I noticed there’s no date in Madrid. Have you not been able to schedule any dates there?

We did a previous tour of Spain last spring and played Madrid, plus many other cities. This tour is basically all the places we did not hit on that last trek.

In May, you were already on tour in Spain. How would you describe the experience?

We absolutely love Spain. I’ve been coming to Spain playing music or just as a traveler since I graduated college in the ‘90s. My band the Streetwalkin’ Cheetahs toured here many times, plus I toured here with Cheetah Chrome from the Dead Boys. Plus, our Trading Aces drummer is from Spain and is a wonderful tour guide so all of the Trading Aces tours have been really really fun.

In Trading Aces’ promotional material, it’s mentioned that you are a mix of Wildhearts mixed with Social Distortion, or Cheap Trick with Judas Priest… AC/DC and Hanoi Rocks. I would also add Rolling Stones for «Social Disease,» but what are your fundamental influences?

All the bands you mentioned are big influences, especially the Rolling Stones! I think the main thing with us is that we take all the influences that that we enjoy and rock ‘n’ roll, and put them together into a pot and stir them up to create our own gumbo. So it’s hard rock meets classic rock meets Heavy Metal meets glam rock meets punk rock. It goes from super Slayer heavy to shake your ass boogie. Sometimes within the same song!

All of you have been part of other notable bands like Streetwalkin’ Cheetahs, The City Kids, or Wolf, and in your case, Warrior Soul. How does your past with these bands influence you?

I think we all bring in our experience from our other bands into Trading Aces. You get some of the influence and energy of each one of our musical projects filtered into the Trading Aces sound. Kory Clarke was the person that introduced me to Dennis Post, who introduced me to our drummer Ivan Tambac and bassist Bjarne Olsen. Ivan also plays in Warrior Souk, as does our touring bass player Christian Kimmett.

Please share how people in our country can get your album.

Our debut album, Rock ‘n’ Roll Homicide is available worldwide on Ripple Music, and the vinyl edition was recently issued with an unreleased track on Rare Bird Lit.

Do you plan to extend the tour to other countries?

After the second Spanish tour, we’re going to finish our next album. That should be out in the Fall, with a worldwide tour to follow, including the rest of Europe.

Since you are based in L.A., I believe, do you follow the Spanish rock scene? Are there any Spanish bands you follow?

I’m a big fan of Spain bands Schizophrenic Spacers and Ultracuerpos. My punk band the Streetwalkin’ Cheetahs toured with both of those groups back in the day, and I absolutely love them.

Is there anything else you would like to comment on?

If you are familiar with my work, and my music, come check out Trading Aces. Also the Streetwalkin’ Cheetahs will be doing a tour of Spain in March and April, our first and over 20 years. Please come out and say hello.

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